Monday, September 6, 2010

How a devotee of a siddha guru should lead his/her life?

I was thinking about this for a long time now. I wanted to prepare a list for myself on the things that I should be doing as a true and honest devotee. I have received gems of wisdom from Gurudeva. This list is based on my interactions with param poojya gurudeva,  information on, interactions with some devotees and reading some books on Siddha gurus. I prepared the following list. One of the purposes is to become a true and honest devotee and to remind me of my duties. Another purpose is to document the received wisdom before I forget. None of these is mine. Everything is Gurudeva's. Since my understanding is involved in preparing this list, there might be some errors/mistakes:
  • Complete surrender to Gurudeva and inner shakthi (chaitanya shakthi)
  • Complete and full faith in Gurudeva
  • Constant remembrance of Gurudeva
  • Service to Gurudeva
  • Follow instructions of Gurudeva (Guru Vaani)
  • Awareness of
    • Guru is God manifest and God incarnate
    • My Guru's power is there to protect me and is constantly watching over me
    • Breath
      • External manifestation of Praana (energy) and a method to control mind. If breath is balanced, mind will be calm and purified. Gurudeva says that mind is the cause for both misery and liberation. So a calm and pure mind with the grace of Gurudeva leads one to liberation
    • Body, Mind (feelings and thoughts) & Spirit
    • Wakeful, Dreaming and Deep sleep state
  • Be natural (Sahaja) and let Guru's grace do everything
  • We should be disciplined and follow the Gurudeva
  • One should lead a life that is pure in thoughts, words and actions
  • One should stay close (Sannidhya) to the Gurudeva. Here it refers to being in contact with Gurudeva through one of various means (Just remembering him itself creates a connection to him)
  • Be in present
  • One should be contented with what he has and should work within his/her limits. One should never go to extremes and work beyond his/her capacity.
    • Gurudeva told a nice story on this topic. The story is about women folk drawing water from the village well.
  • Do your duty honestly and to the best of your abilities and leave everything else to Gurudeva
  • This world is an illusion and don't get attached to it
    • Gurudeva uses following quote: "Look but don't see; Hear but don't listen."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

States of consciousness of realized

Gurudeva was telling us about states of consciousness of realized beings (on 31st August 2010):

There are 6 states. The highest state is "AVADHUTA". Some of the other states are "Hamsa" and "Paramahamsa". Though Gurudeva mentioned about other states, I don't remember them now.

An AVADHUTA is always in the highest spiritual state (everything is brahman and perpetual divine bliss). He is not affected by time, space or anything. The outward behaviour is like a child or a mad person.

The moment Gurudeva told this, I remembered that Bhagawan Nityananda was initially thought as a mad man. Someone was telling that even my param poojya Gurudeva is like a child when he is among the children.

My salutations and prostrations to lotus feet of my Gurudeva and Bhagawan Nityananda.